WWE Referees Salaries | Chad Patton | Charles Robinson Holds Expensive Match Officials Contracts

WWE Referees Salaries

Referees are the most important part of any game as their decision finalize the result of the game. For performing this huge responsibility, organizations sign the contract with the most talented people. Same in the way, there salaries defined their class. The professionals earned the most money as they get a lot of experience. Here is a list of the WWE referees salaries.

RefereesAnnual SalaryPer Match Fee
Professionals$500k$1.5k – $5k
Females$300k$850 – $1.5k

There are various factors over which a referee salary depends like experience level, number of matches officiated, correct decisions etc.

Rookies | The young referees receive low amount as a match fee as compared to the professionals because of less experience and no contract. Once, they get some experience of officiating WWE matches and decide the match unbiasedly, they will get contracts.

Females | Female referees get paid less than men due to the factor of gender pay gap. However, they earn $350k as the annual salary including bonuses. The fee per a single match for WWE female referees is $1.5k. Once they get experienced, they were included in the professionals category.

Professionals | once the referees get an immense experience by officiating matches for the number of years they will become the highest paid among WWE referees. Recently revealed that they will earn a guaranteed annual salary of $500k besides the bonuses with $5k as a match fee.

Main Events | Besides the guaranteed annual salary, the professional referees earn commissions for officiating a match in the main event. Their earnings may rise to $15,000 as a match fee in such case.

RefereesAnnual SalaryFee/MatchPPV Match Fees
Adrian Butler (Senior)$500k$1k – $2.5k$5k – $10k
Chad Patton (Senior)$500k$1k – $2.5k$5k – $10k
Charles Robinson (Senior)$500k$1k – $2.5k$5k – $10k
Chip Danning$75k$850
Dallas Irvin$75k$850
Dan Engler$75k$850
Danilo Anfibio$75k$850
Daphanie LaShaunn$75k$850
Derek Sanders$75k$850
Eddie Orengo$75k$850
Felix Fernandez$75k$850
Gary Wilson$75k$850
Jason Ayers$75k$850
Jeremy Marcus$75k$850
Jessika Carr$250k$1.5k$5k
Joey Gonzalez$50k$850
John Cone$500k$1.5k – $2.5k$5k
Rod Zapata$50k$850
Ryan Tran$50k$850
Shawn Bennett$50k$850
Victoria D’Errico$50k$850

Chad Patton, Adrian Butler & Charles Robinson Top Paid Senior Referees : If we talk about best paid referees then three names that listed on top of the list is Chad Patton, Adrian Butler & Charles Robinson not all three part of the same pay-per-view, however they got selected for different pay-per-view, when the host main-event matches as match official if they get paid full time salary package upto $2.5k a match then for main-event in pay-per-view their salary rise to $15k maximum. That is one of the key factor that they make more money than some of the wrestlers.

Jessica Carr currently the leading female referee. She is doing her job as a match official in Smack Down matches. According UK media outlet report, Carr earn $1.5k per match and her main ppv earning is $5k. A source in 2019, claimed that a senior referee offered 2-3 years contract with annual base salary maximum upto $300k and more than 4 years long-term deal ref earn upto $500k..

That’s all about the referees salaries. If there is any change in the list, we will update them on the site. Till then, stay tuned!